Dr. Doris Parker: What are your plans after High School since you're not going to college?
Student: I don't know. Hanging with my boyfriend. Do some modelling shit... Be in my friend's band.
Dr. Doris Parker: Well, I have your 10-week grade report. You know what it says? F, F, F, F, F.
Student: F, F, F yeah.
Dr. Doris Parker: Do you know what that means? It means you don't care.
Student: You're brilliant. Can I go now?
Dr. Doris Parker: Oh God, you are a shallow disgusting creature.You want to know the truth?
One, you're not gonna be in a band or a model Missy, because you have no ambition.
With no skills, you'll be competing with the 80% of the U.S. workforce for a minimum wage job
which you'll work at for the rest of your life til you're replaced by a computer.
Student: I don't care.
Dr. Doris Parker: Two...The only talent you'll ever have is getting men to fuck you.
Your life will basically become a carnivall of pain. Now, when you can't stand it
not one more day, not one more hour, it will get worse, much worse!
Every day I come into this office and I listen to you kids shit all over yourselves!
It's so easy to be careless. It takes courage and character to care.