Cinema Is A Matter Of What's In The Frame And What's Out
Jung: What he'll never accept is that what we understand has got us nowhere.
We have to go into uncharted territory. We have to go back,
to the sources of everything we believe.
I don't want to just open a door and show the patient his illness,
squatting there like a toad. I want to try and find a way to help
the patient reinvent himself, to send him off on a journey,
at the end of which is waiting the person he was always
intended to be.
Sabina: It's no good making yourself ill in the process.
Jung: Only the wounded physician can hope to heal.
Sabina: I'm told you have a new mistress.
Jung: Is that right?
Sabina: What's her name?
Jung: Toni.
Sabina: Is she like me?
Jung: No.
Sabina: She's an ex-patient.
Jung: Yes.
Sabina: Jewish.
Jung: Half Jewish.
Sabina: Training to be an analyst.
Jung: Yes.
Sabina: But she's not like me?
Jung: Of course she makes me think of you.
Sabina: How do you make it work?
Jung: I don't know. Emma, as you've seen, is the foundation of my house;
Toni is the perfume in the air.
My love for you was the most important thing in my life.
For better or worse, it made me understand who I am.
This should be mine.
Sabina: Yes.
Jung: Sometimes you have to do something unforgivable,
just to be able to go on living.
Dr. Doris Parker: What are your plans after High School since you're not going to college?
Student: I don't know. Hanging with my boyfriend. Do some modelling shit... Be in my friend's band.
Dr. Doris Parker: Well, I have your 10-week grade report. You know what it says? F, F, F, F, F.
Student: F, F, F yeah.
Dr. Doris Parker: Do you know what that means? It means you don't care.
Student: You're brilliant. Can I go now?
Dr. Doris Parker: Oh God, you are a shallow disgusting creature.You want to know the truth?
One, you're not gonna be in a band or a model Missy, because you have no ambition.
With no skills, you'll be competing with the 80% of the U.S. workforce for a minimum wage job
which you'll work at for the rest of your life til you're replaced by a computer.
Student: I don't care.
Dr. Doris Parker: Two...The only talent you'll ever have is getting men to fuck you.
Your life will basically become a carnivall of pain. Now, when you can't stand it
not one more day, not one more hour, it will get worse, much worse!
Every day I come into this office and I listen to you kids shit all over yourselves!
It's so easy to be careless. It takes courage and character to care.
Henry many of you have ever felt the weight pressing down on you? I have. Everyone... Poe wrote about these things over hundred years ago. So, as we read, we can see that the House of Usher is not merely an old, decrepit castle in disrepair. It is also a state of being.
"During the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, I had been passing alone, on horseback, through a singularly dreary tract of country; and at length found myself, as the shades of the evening drew on, within view of the melancholy House of Usher. I know not how it was - but, with the first glimpse of the building, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit. ... I looked upon the simple landscape of the domain - upon the bleak walls - upon the white trunks of decayed trees - with an utter depression of soul ... There was an iciness, a sinking, a sickening of the heart."
Henry Barthes: How are you to imagine anything
if the images are always provided for you?
Doublethink. To deliberately believe in lies,
while knowing they're false.
Examples of this in everyday life: "Oh, I need to be pretty to be happy.
I need surgery to be pretty.
I need to be thin, famous, fashionable."
Our young men today are being told that women are whores,
bitches, things to be screwed, beaten, shit on, and shamed.
This is a marketing holocaust.
Twenty-fours hours a day for the rest of our lives,
the powers that be are hard at work dumbing us to death.
So to defend ourselves, and fight against assimilating this dullness into our thought processes,
we must learn to read.
To stimulate our own imagination, to cultivate our own consciousness,
our own belief systems. We all need skills to defend, to preserve, our own minds.
Professor Severus Snape: So when the time comes... the boy must die?
Professor Albus Dumbledore: Yes. Yes... he must die.
Professor Severus Snape: You've kept him alive so that
he can die at the proper moment. You've been raising
him like a pig for slaughter!
Professor Albus Dumbledore: Don't tell me now that
you've grown to care for the boy.
Lily... after all this time?
[Shot of Snape holding Lily's body in his arms while crying]
Professor Severus Snape: Always.
Joel: I can't see anything that I don't like about you.
Clementine: But you will! But you will. You know, you will think of things.
And I'll get bored with you and feel trapped because that's what happens with me.
Joel: Okay.
Clementine: [pauses] Okay.
Commodus: Rise. Rise.
[Maximus stands up, clenching an arrow head in his right hand]
Commodus: Your fame is well deserved, Spaniard.
I don't think there's ever been a gladiator to
match you. As for this young man, he insists you are Hector reborn.
Or was it Hercules? Why doesn't the hero reveal himself and tell us all your real name?
You do have a name.
Maximus: My name is Gladiator.
[turns away from Commodus]
Commodus: How dare you show your back to me!
Slave, you will remove your helmet and tell me your name.
Maximus: [removes helmet and turns around to face Commodus]
My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius,
commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions
and loyal servant to the TRUE emperor, Marcus Aurelius.
Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife.
And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.
Martha: I disgust me. You know, there's only been one man in my whole life who's ever made me happy. Do you know that? [pause] George, my husband... George, who is out somewhere there in the dark, who is good to me - whom I revile, who can keep learning the games we play as quickly as I can change them. Who can make me happy and I do not wish to be happy. Yes, I do wish to be happy. George and Martha — sad, sad, sad. Whom I will not forgive for having come to rest, for having seen me and having said, "Yes, this will do". Who has made the hideous, the hurting, the insulting mistake of loving… me. And must be punished for it. George and Martha — sad, sad, sad...Some day, hah! Some night, some stupid, liquor-ridden night, I will go too far and I'll either break the man's back or I'll push him off for good which is what I deserve.
Celine: I was thinking... for me it's better I don't romanticize things as much anymore. I was suffering so much all the time. I still have lots of dreams, but they're not in regard to my love life. It doesn't make me sad, it's just the way it is.
Jesse: Is that why you're in a relationship with, somebody who's... never around?
Celine: Yes, obviously, I can't deal with the day to day life of a relationship.Yeah, we have, you know, this exciting time together and then he leaves and I miss him... but at least I'm not dying inside! When someone is always around me, I'm like suffocating!
Jesse: No, wait, you just said that you need to love and be loved...
Celine: Yeah, but when I do, it quickly makes me nauseous! It's a disaster! I mean, I'm really happy only when I'm on my own. Even being alone... it's better than... sitting next to a lover and feeling lonely. It's not so easy for me to be a romantic. You start off that way, and, after you've been screwed over a few times, you... you forget about all your delusional ideas, and you just take what comes into your life.That's not even true! I haven't been... screwed over, I've just had too many... blah relationships. They weren't mean, they cared for me, but... they were no real... connection, or excitement! At least, not from my side.
Jesse: God, I'm sorry, is it... is it really that bad? It's not, right?
Celine: You know... It's not even that, I was... I was fine, until I read your fucking book! It stirred shit out of me, you know? It reminded me how... genuinely romantic I was, how I had so much hope in things and... now it's like... I don't believe in anything that relates to love, I don't feel things for people anymore! In a way... I put all my romanticism into that one night and I was never able to feel all this again. Like... somehow this night took things away from me and... I expressed them to you, and you took them with you! It made me feel cold, like if love wasn't for me!
Jesse: I... I don't believe that. I don't believe that.
Jesse: You're just like the little girls and everybody else.
You wanna live inside some fairy tale. I'm just trying to make things better.
I tell you that I love you unconditionally, I tell you that you're beautiful,
I tell you that your ass looks great when you're 80.
I am trying to make you laugh.
Celine: Ok.
Jesse: All right, I put up with plenty of your shit.
And if you think I'm just some dog who's gonna keep coming back, then you're wrong.
But if you want true love, then this is it. This is real life.
It's not perfect, but it's real.
And if you can't see it, then you're blind, all right, and I give up.
Rochester: Who would you offend by living with me? Who would care?
Jane Eyre: I would.
Rochester: You would rather drive me to madness than break some mere human law.
Jane Eyre: I must respect myself.
Rochester: Listen to me. Listen. I could bend you with my finger and my thumb. A mere reed you feel in my hands. But whatever I do with this cage, I cannot get at you, and it is your soul that I want. Why can't you come of your own free will?
Jane Eyre: God help me.
Paul Varjak: You know what's wrong with you, Miss Whoever-you-are? You're chicken, you've got no guts. You're afraid to stick out your chin and say, "Okay, life's a fact, people do fall in love, people do belong to each other, because that's the only chance anybody's got for real happiness." You call yourself a free spirit, a "wild thing", and you're terrified somebody's gonna stick you in a cage. Well baby, you're already in that cage. You built it yourself. And it's not bounded in the west by Tulip, Texas, or in the east by Somali-land. It's wherever you go. Because no matter where you run, you just end up running into yourself.
Ilsa: Play it once, Sam. For old times' sake.
Sam: [lying] I don't know what you mean, Miss Ilsa.
Ilsa: Play it, Sam. Play "As Time Goes By."
Sam: [lying] Oh, I can't remember it, Miss Ilsa. I'm a little rusty on it.
Ilsa: I'll hum it for you. Da-dy-da-dy-da-dum, da-dy-da-dee-da-dum...
[Sam begins playing]
Ilsa: Sing it, Sam.
Sam: [singing] You must remember this
A kiss is still a kiss
A sigh is just a sigh
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by.
And when two lovers woo,
They still say, "I love you"
On that you can rely
No matter what the future brings-...
Rick: [rushing up] Sam, I thought I told you never to play-...
[Sees Ilsa. Sam closes the piano and rolls it away]
Mr. Darcy: Miss Elizabeth. I have struggled in vain and I can bear it no longer.
These past months have been a torment. I came to Rosings with the single object of seeing you...
I had to see you. I have fought against my better judgment, my family's expectations,
the inferiority of your birth by rank and circumstance.
All these things I am willing to put aside and ask you to end my agony.
Elizabeth Bennet: I don't understand.
Mr. Darcy: I love you.